Several things in my life have led me to where I am today and have shaped my belief in what I think health care should look like. I am so grateful for our medical providers, but what do you do when they can no longer help you?
My husband and I have fostered and adopted three kids, one of whom was diagnosed with ODD, ADD, RAD and then eventually DMDD (bi-polar disorder for kids). We had been through seven plus years of doctor’s appointments, hospitals, therapy, specialty clinics and more with almost no progress to show for it. My daughter was put on several different medications, none of which helped. If anything, they made things worse.
I was told by the top psychiatrist in our area that my daughter was the worst case she’s ever seen.
We were even dismissed from a counseling center that specializes with children from traumatic backgrounds. They told us that they were not equipped to help my daughter and encouraged me to give up by saying “you can’t help them all”.
Giving up on her was not an option.
We desperately prayed and sought wisdom from the Lord and He slowly began to do a work in our lives. He led us to a local holistic health professional who found several deficiencies in her body along with tons of brain inflammation.
After a year and a half of work, she is now currently doing way better than we ever thought possible. There is still more healing to be done, but the Lord gave us hope for healing through holistic health care when the medical system could no longer offer any.
I thank the Lord for showing us that her bipolar disorder wasn’t a hopeless diagnosis, but rather it was her body’s way of telling us that there were some deep rooted imbalances going on and that we had to dig deeper if we wanted to help her.
I have personally experienced many health issues as well which has pushed me even more to root cause healing. I’ve had 7 head injuries, migraines, PMS, anxiety and panic attacks and more. All of which, I now know, is my depleted body’s way of crying out for help.
When I was 22 years old, I received a steroid shot for a sinus infection. This was normal. Get sick, get a shot. This time, I had a horrible reaction and was taken to the hospital. After telling the doctors I thought I was having a reaction to the shot, I was dismissed and told it was just anxiety and that I needed to be put on anxiety medications.
Another time, I was dealing with some scary symptoms so the doctor put me on birth control. The birth control stopped the symptoms, but it didn’t address the WHY behind the symptoms. It would be another year before I found out that I had cervical fibroids. Had I not dug deeper, I would have never known what was going on in my body and therefore never been able to address it appropriately. I would have been taking meds and been “symptom free” while creating further dysfunction in my body. The birth control was just a band-aid, and one with horrible side effects as well.